
Showing posts from 2019

Tokyo Subway Pass

Hello everyone, I would tell you pieces of Japan, and I will start with review Tokyo Subway Pass. Tokyo Subway is the biggest public transportation in Tokyo that covers almost Tokyo district, it also the most chosen public transport by the local citizen. The price is average for public transport in Japan, but it would be cheapest if you are using it as a foreign traveler or that means somebody who is coming to Tokyo as a traveler and he/she is not as Japan citizen. But how it works? Here, the Tokyo Subway Pass Subway in Tokyo has 2 brands, Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway with the same station. With this pass, you would get free access for those brands. This pass has 3 different types of cards, 24 hours ticket, 48 hours ticket, and 72 hours ticket. (picture from  Tokyo Metro ) The Red for 24 hours validity, Price: Adult ¥800, Child ¥400 The Blue for 48 hours validity, Price: Adult ¥1200, Child ¥600 The Green for 72 hours validity, Price: Adult ¥1500, ...

Travel Style by You

Halooo semuanya... Di blog pertama ini sebelum kita bahas banyak hal tentang traveling, aku ajak kamu dulu untuk tau style traveling apa yang pas dan sesuai sama yang kamu mau, bukan cuma asal ikut sugesti para travel bloger dan vloger aja, but once again that suit to your style, yuk! 1. Knows Your Maximum Budget 💸 (photo from Pinterest ) Sebelum kemana-kemana, yang sangat basic banget untuk kamu ketahui adalah budget maksimal kamu untuk trip ini, tapi kenapa? Simple aja, sebelum kamu ngulik-ulik tentang destinasi, hotel, kuliner, cafe dan lain-lain yang  nantinya akan jadi kepengenan berat banget tapi ujung-ujungnya kecewa karena ternyata ga masuk sama budget kamu, mending kamu save your emotion for your own truly trip. Terus jangan sampai ada pandangan ke A harus punya duit segini, ke B duit segitu...hmm don't do that please, because traveling is very personal preference yang pada akhirnya akan balance sama kemampuan kita dalam membiayainya, jangan sampai ter...